چزا هب وًی ت یًَن ثب نّ ثبضین یک صذا؟
خ دَه ىَ ر هی د یًٍن اس ثقی عبلن س اَ!
ه تٌظز قًط ظعف طًست این ع قٌزیت،
آهبد تب ثکطین وّذیگ ر ث صلیت
خذا کً یکی ه ىَ جب طً ت یَ چبرچ ةَ
را خزاة کزدصً ر ثلذین خیلی خ ةَ
ث ف وْو ىَ هی ثبلین، ث ا ذًیط آساد
تب صحجت اس دیي هی ض رگ بْه ىَ هی ک ثبد!
ث یًّت یک ذّف جوع هی ضین گزدِ یک هیش
پ جٌ دقیق گًذضت هی ضین ثب وّذیگ گلا یٍش
اس آثبر ثشرگبى چ هع یٌَ چ هبلی،
هی ثزین استفبد شّار پ صًَذ سبلی
ایي تبریخ پز اس ج گٌ ایي آئیي ایي فز گٌّ
آخزش فً وْیذین افتخبر دار یب گًٌ؟
اس ثس ک خ دَه ىَ ر ث دم ایي ا ىٍ ثستین
خ دَه ىَ نّ ت شَ ه ذًَین ک آخزش چی سّتین؟
ثذ ىٍ هسئ لَیت اس فّت د لٍت آساد
ج تْ ع ضَ هی ک یٌن راحت ثب سٍش یک ثبد
ث ظب زّ ضبد خ ضَجخت، س ذًگی بّ وّ عبلی
درست هثل یک ت جٌک صذاش ثل ذٌ ت شَ خبلی
ضخصیت هي ت ایي فز گٌّ ایي ریط ،ِ
ثب تع یَط دیي اسن یب ل جْ ع ضَ وًی ضِ
تب ر سٍی ک "د بّتی " ثبض اٍص تحقیز
صذ سبل دیگ ام هی ه یًَن عقت ه ذًَ فقیز
What is it that we do so wrong?
Why can’t we folks just get along?
Eagerly waiting for someone to fail,
We crucify her under the accusation's nail.
If someone doesn’t fit in the frame,
We know how to kick him out of the game.
Bragging about our historical tolerance,
When beliefs come in-between we all take defense.
With ambition for big changes to make,
We gather in groups that easily can break.
Differences bring us into clash,
Then we treat each other just like trash.
We exploit the out comings of the Men of our past;
God knows how long these “twenty-five-hundred” years are gonna last?
Sometimes one wonders if this controversial history
Should be taken as a defeat or a victory?
With every little forceful grind,
We change directions like the leaf in the wind;
Painting an image of a successful life -
A happy family with four kids and wife -
It sounds great when spread worldwide;
Loud like a drum but hollow inside.
Your background with all that it includes,
Won’t change overnight and by its roots.
Converting your religion is not the key
To solving your problems and breaking free.
Neither does your accent tell
If you’ll end up in heaven or in hell.
Who cares about what you once have been!
Tolerant action needs to be seen.
As long as you neglect your own people
You’ll stay behind. It’s just that simple!
What is it that we do so wrong?
Why can’t we folks just get along?
Eagerly waiting for someone to fail,
We crucify her under the accusation's nail.
If someone doesn’t fit in the frame,
We know how to kick him out of the game.
Bragging about our historical tolerance,
When beliefs come in-between we all take defense.
With ambition for big changes to make,
We gather in groups that easily can break.
Differences bring us into clash,
Then we treat each other just like trash.
We exploit the out comings of the Men of our past;
God knows how long these “twenty-five-hundred” years are gonna last?
Sometimes one wonders if this controversial history
Should be taken as a defeat or a victory?
With every little forceful grind,
We change directions like the leaf in the wind;
Painting an image of a successful life -
A happy family with four kids and wife -
It sounds great when spread worldwide;
Loud like a drum but hollow inside.
Your background with all that it includes,
Won’t change overnight and by its roots.
Converting your religion is not the key
To solving your problems and breaking free.
Neither does your accent tell
If you’ll end up in heaven or in hell.
Who cares about what you once have been!
Tolerant action needs to be seen.
As long as you neglect your own people
You’ll stay behind. It’s just that simple!
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